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The science behind 99.9%: why germs don’t kill all germs


99.9% efficiency at

99.9% effectiveness in disinfectants demonstrates the balance between science and practice, making it clear that total eradication is a mathematical and biological challenge (Freepik)

In today’s world, there hygiene is increasingly important for good healthit is common to find pesticide labels that promise to eliminate 99.9% germ free. However, never They claim to achieve 100% success.

These seemingly insignificant facts hide a scientific basis that adds up microbiology y numbersas explained Hassan Vally in an article taken from this magazine Normal Science.

Disinfectant is something designed to activate the bacteria, virus y other organisms it is on the surface. Although most viruses are harmless, or even beneficial, a small percentage can be cause diseases.

In domestic situations, where objects and surfaces are often exposed to millions of parasitesthese products are changing important partners to reduce risks.

Likewise, the way they work follows a pattern known as logarithmic decaywhat it does according to science impossible make sure to remove it completely.

Regular cleaning, combined with

Regular cleaning, combined with the proper use of disinfectants, strengthens the defense against germs in the home (Freepik)

Biological behavior it is not linear. Instead of eliminating a fixed number of germs every minute, its action reduce a certain percentage of the first people.

For example, a product that eliminates 90% of germs every minute will leave, after the first minute, 10% of the original total. The next minute, only 1% will remain.

This phenomenon, called logarithmic decay, suggests that a small number of the remaining population, which to reduce the rate of elimination. For this reason, it is not possible scientifically proven that the disinfectant kills 100% of germs.

This principle has direct practical implications. As Vally explained, if you start from an area with a high parasite load, a 99.9% reduction can still leave thousands, or even millions, of active pathogens.

On the other hand, on sites with less original wastethe same percentage reduction may be closer to what is assumed to close the gap.

Although most of the

Although most germs are harmless, a small fraction can cause disease, making their control essential in everyday environments (Freepik)

In cases of laboratoryorganisms can show a high level of efficiency under controlled parameters.

However, in everyday situations, factors such as exposure time, surface type and environmental conditions (such as temperature and humidity) affect your performance.

For example, many brands provide feedback on their labels leave out the deodorant above for some time before cleaning. This often ignored the instructions it is important to increase the elimination of pathogens.

In addition, viruses found in homes can be more resistant than those used in laboratory experiments.

According to the text published by Normal Sciencethe sensitivity of viruses to viruses are different, which results another level of uncertainty with complete success in real situations.

Time to meet

The duration of contact with the disinfectant is important to reduce the burden of the pathogens; read instructions to ensure better results (Freepik)

Despite the limitations of nature, the use of disinfectants it remains important to reduce exposure to parasites and prevent diseases. Can’t guarantee full success does not underestimate its importance in infection control.

However, they should be understood as a the device within a comprehensive system of hygiene, which includes measures such as washing hands frequently and go regular surface cleaning.

As Vally emphasized, antibiotics do not completely eliminate the need for individual responsibility hygiene.

The use of disinfectants is

The use of disinfectants is important, but it should not replace important practices such as frequent hand washing, which is one of the most effective barriers against infection, «experts highlight (Figure Infobae image)

The fact that disinfectants do not eliminate 100% of pathogens is not a deficiency, but a deficiency. natural effect of the laws of microbiology and mathematics.

This scientific understanding, without emphasizing the need to use them correctly, suggests complementing them with other hygiene methods.

In general, it is possible to increase protection against harmful organisms that, although small, can have great influence to human health.